Thursday, March 19, 2009

~A Day In Pyramid~

Hi again, some of you might wonder why after going M.I.A for quite a while am I updating my blog twice a week now. Well the reason is simple, I got more time on my hands. Well coming back to today's post. Today me and the CU gang went for an outing in Sunway Pyramid. Once there we bought tickets for;This was a very good and funny movie that I recommend anyone who likes movies to go and watch (unless you hate 'The Rock' in which case dont watch it cause almost all the scenes have him in it). Anyway, before the movie started we went to the arcade which is right beside the cineplex. It wasn;t bad although I would say it was a bit small.

So after the movie we went for lunch in a food court outside Jusco. With me being vege for lent, I would say that it is quite difficult (but not impossible) to find vege food in Pyramid for a low price. Then after lunch we did something that I never taught I would do, ARCHERY!!! I love archery, the way the bow feels in your grip, the tension in the string longing for release and the silence as the arrow leaves the bow towards the target with deadly speed. Just love it! so here are some pics of us being archers.

After that we pretty much walked aimlessly for awhile before leaving. (I will miss you Bow and Arrow)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! Guess what? I, too went to this archery place. It was fun! Your blog is cool. But, the "You Raise Me Up" song was not kicking well.
