Sunday, March 29, 2009

Angels on the moon ~Thriving Ivory~

I heard this song while i was listening to the radio. I felt it really brought meaning to life though i cant really put my finger on wat it means but i know there is meaning to these words.

'Don't tell me if i'm dying,
cause I don't wanna know,
Don't wake me cause i'm dreaming,
of angels on the moon'

Saturday, March 21, 2009

~ A Lost Generation~

Before you continue reading this post I ask you to watch this video first (unless of course you have already seen it). Please watch the whole thing and dont stop half way.

So now that you have seen this video, I hope that this video will have disturbed you in some way and that I will not have wasted my time in writing this post. Even I refuse to believe that we are a lost generation and that the carnage caused by our fathers and forefathers is to great for us to fix.




Three great sins that have been placed at the back of the shelf and who's files have been marked 'UNIMPORTANT' by the leaders of our world. These leaders even avoid the facts at times in favour of financial gain. All they do is avoid questioning by reporters with two simple words ' No Comment'. So it falls to us to address these problems as our own, although alone we are small but remember we belong to a family 5 billion strong and together anything is achievable. Now I may not have an answer to War and Poverty but I have a suggestion for pollution.

WWF Australia launched a campaign in 2007 to give the people a chance to show that they care for our world. On the 28th of March 2007, 2.2 million homes and businesses in Sydney turned off their lights to vote Earth. This event was called Earth Hour and now in 2009, 1858 cities in 81 countries have committed themselves to vote Earth and WWF has created a goal of 1,000,000,000 people to turn off their lights on the 28th of March from 8.30-9.30 pm, and I will tell you now that I will be one of that 1 billion. Some of you might say "Why Should I? What Are They Going To Do?' well I will tell you. These votes will be presented to world leaders at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009.

Now you might say that I was just 'banging' these leaders earlier in the post well, I will tell you that if enough people cast their votes by turning off thier lights then maybe, just maybe they will listen and try to make a change. Of course this should not be a one off thing we should continue this practice by turning off lights when not using them, and do other stuff like recycle and dispose of substances properly (for more info, check the net)

Earth Hour Is A Stand, Make The Stand,
Save The World!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

~A Day In Pyramid~

Hi again, some of you might wonder why after going M.I.A for quite a while am I updating my blog twice a week now. Well the reason is simple, I got more time on my hands. Well coming back to today's post. Today me and the CU gang went for an outing in Sunway Pyramid. Once there we bought tickets for;This was a very good and funny movie that I recommend anyone who likes movies to go and watch (unless you hate 'The Rock' in which case dont watch it cause almost all the scenes have him in it). Anyway, before the movie started we went to the arcade which is right beside the cineplex. It wasn;t bad although I would say it was a bit small.

So after the movie we went for lunch in a food court outside Jusco. With me being vege for lent, I would say that it is quite difficult (but not impossible) to find vege food in Pyramid for a low price. Then after lunch we did something that I never taught I would do, ARCHERY!!! I love archery, the way the bow feels in your grip, the tension in the string longing for release and the silence as the arrow leaves the bow towards the target with deadly speed. Just love it! so here are some pics of us being archers.

After that we pretty much walked aimlessly for awhile before leaving. (I will miss you Bow and Arrow)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

An Interesting Friday

Hi to all the people who read my blog. I know I haven't written anything in a long time and i have a perfectly good and honest reason for that 'Laziness and a mild case of writers block'. So anyway I had an interesting day last last Friday.

It all started on a rainy Friday morning as I dragged myself of to school. Almost as soon as school started, Mr. Pubalan found this small bird outside my class and we decided to take it in. It looked very weak when it came in and we being physics students didn't really know what to do with it. So during recess we bought the bird a 'pau' cause it looked hungry but sadly it did not eat the pau for reasons unknown to us.(maybe it didn't like 'pau'). So as the day progressed it fell asleep and got up whenever we poked it, (and one can only imagine the amount of poking it got as it did not get much sleep). Towards the end of the day we decided that we should name the bird, and thus after much thought, I present to you people who read my blog, Jack Sparrow the Bird.

Jack and I

Unfortunately I cannot tell who what happened to Jack after school as I had to leave him to the CU (Christian Union) members to protect him from my dogs, but I can tell you that he/she was more alive than when we first saw him.

Anyway Speaking about CU we had H2O Day today With the day mostly spent with the members throwing water balloons and other water containing vessels at each other. Basically the pics will explain how it went.



The Final Round

clean up time

Overall we made sure that everyone was wet except for Grace, Chee Jian and me cause well me and CJ were going for the Form 6 Gathering in Catholic High School and we definitely can't go soaking wet.

So Pn. Adeline gave me and CJ a lift to the school cause the others had already left earlier. Those who went were Yean Ling, Victoria, Yong Seng, Chee Yew, Chee Jian, me (of course), Darwin, Siow, Leticia, Santhiya, Nisaan and Parvin. They started with the opening speeches then the provided refreshments. After that they broke us up into groups for a Scavenger Hunt around the school. The group I was in was named The F'fers and we came in second.( sry for the lack of pics my camera died)

Anyway we finished at about 6 and I went home by bus.

On Saturday I went back there as I was taking part in Captain Ball( we lost miserably (not my fault)( the other team was really good)).

Well thats all for this post. I will try to keep this blog alive so don't stop reading just because I have;t written anything in a while. =)